2026 Philmont 12-Day, 9-Day, 7-Day and Cavalcade Registration

Open October 1st 9:00am MDT, 2024 through October 16th 12:00pm MDT, 2024

It's not too early to start planning for your trek. Below are some resources designed to make your Philmont adventure a success!
  • Request Promotional Materials: 
    • Each year, volunteers like yourself request and share promotional materials with about 80,000 Scouters in all 50 states.
    • Philmont will ship handouts right to your door.
    • Click here to submit your request!
  • Philmont adventure!
  • Videos
    • Promotion: It's never too early to start recruiting participants for your Philmont crew. 
    • Preparation: The most successful Philmont crews spend many, many months acquiring the proper gear, physically preparing, and training together as a crew. Our videos aim to support this process. 
  • Philmont Shakedown Guide: This written guide explains the entire trek planning process and includes agendas for hosting two practice hikes with your crew.
  • Download the Unit Registration Packet